WEST HILLS, Calif. – Jan. 18, 2019 – If you’ve named your car or talk to it regularly—or even felt guilty driving another one—then you’re not alone. American car owners see their vehicles as family members, with 60 percent considering their cars to be part of the family, according to new research.
In fact, 56 percent of American car owners go as far as naming them.
Think celebrities are giving their children eccentric names? The Bug Slayer, Professor Yaffle and Miss Tigglywinkle are just some of the monikers car owners are using. Muscle Boy, Baby Sweet Lil’ Kayden, Earth Mover and Optimus Punto also make the list of funniest car names.
With a bond so deep, what goes into the naming process? Results found that 42 percent of named cars get their names from a prominent feature (color, sound it makes, etc.). Other name inspirations come from movies, TV shows, and songs (20 percent) and famous cars or celebrities (17 percent).
The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Toco Warranty, unveiled just how close we are to our cars—two in five of the 2,000 motorists studied regularly talk to their vehicle.